Court releases 187 anti-Finance Bill protesters on bond

The Milimani Court sat late Wednesday night to hear a case in which 187 people who included 18 minors been charged following Tuesday’s protests in Nairobi.
Senior Principal Magistrate Wandia Nyamu directed that the 18 minors be released with immediate effect on personal bonds of Ksh 10,000 to be held by their parents and guardians.
The Magistrate while releasing the minors said that the rights of the minors had been infringed as they were kept in the same cells with adults, some were injured and had not been attended to and had not been fed for all the duration of time they had been in custody.
The Principal Magistrate further directed that the adults be released by 10am on personal bonds of Ksh 50,000 today.
She said this should be done after the personal details of the respondents are taken by the Investigating Officers.