Copyright Board to recruit new Executive Director in May » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya, Apr 5 — The Kenya Copyright Board (KECOBO) is set to begin the recruitment of a new Executive Director in May.

In a statement on Friday, KECOBO Board Chairperson Joshua Kutuny said the position will fall vacant on June 30, 2024, with the outgoing Executive Director Edward Sigei taking his terminal leave from May 20, 2024.

The substantive CEO will be recruited before June 2024 to allow a smooth transition, he added.

Kutuny said the Board had already received 21 applications for the position.

He said the Board will begin the shortlisting and interview processes for the candidates in mid-May.

Pending recruitment of Sigei’s successor, the Kutuny said George Nyakweba will assume as acting Executive Director from May 20 when Segei commences his terminal leave.

Nyakweba is currently the Deputy Executive Director in charge of Legal and Compliance.

“To facilitate transition as required by KECOBO guidelines, the board approved the request by Edward Sigei the outgoing Executive Director, to commence his terminal leave as from 20th of May 2024,” Kutuny said.

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