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BEIJING, China, May 2 — China and Latin American countries will further enhance solidarity and cooperation in order to inject new impetus for future growth of ties and play a bigger role in practicing multilateralism, officials and observers said as foreign ministers of three Latin American countries wrapped up their visits to China.

Over three days starting Sunday, Foreign Minister Wang Yi held separate talks with the foreign ministers of Bolivia, Peru and Argentina. The three visits were the first for all the visiting foreign ministers after taking office.

Wang told a news conference on Tuesday that through the meetings, China, Latin American and Caribbean countries have further strengthened strategic communication.

China and LAC countries, as important emerging economies, are firm upholders of international multilateral system and positive builders of world peace and prosperity, he said.

The two sides would practice true multilateralism and advocate an equal and orderly multipolar world and a universally beneficial and inclusive economic globalization, he added.

Argentine Foreign Minister Diana Mondino concluded her five-day visit on Wednesday, the longest among the three visits.

When meeting with Mondino, Wang stressed the need for China and Argentina to follow a path of mutual support and win-win cooperation.

The pair agreed that China and Argentina would remain unwavering in promoting friendship and shoring up efforts to deepen cooperation, no matter what changes occur in their domestic and international situation, Wang said.

He said the two countries should deepen mutual trust, follow independent foreign policies and eliminate external interference, as bilateral cooperation neither targets a third party nor should it be disrupted by a third party.

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Wang also called for China and Argentina to deepen exchanges under multilateral frameworks to promote overall cooperation between China and LAC countries, and advance solidarity and cooperation of the Global South with practical actions.

No matter how Argentina’s internal political situation changes, its friendly policy toward China would not change, Mondino said.

The new Argentine government pursues an open policy and welcomes Chinese enterprises to invest and do business in Argentina, she said, adding that Argentina would continue to cooperate with China in areas such as trade and investment under the framework of the Belt and Road Initiative.

When talking with Wang on Monday, Peruvian Foreign Minister Javier Gonzalez-Olaechea Franco said Peru is willing to enhance unity and mutual trust with China and expand practical cooperation in many fields for more results in bilateral ties.

Bolivian Foreign Minister Celinda Sosa Lunda on Sunday said she hoped for greater cooperation in areas such as economy and trade and better cooperation with China on multilateral platforms such as the BRICS.

The visits came amid a parade of political leaders and business executives headed to China to seek opportunities.

Wang Youming, director of the Department for Developing Countries Studies at the China Institute of International Studies, said the visits showed that these Latin American countries had confidence in the Chinese economy and hoped to get out of economic difficulties through cooperation with China, which is still a locomotive for global growth.

He added that the visits showed the urgent desire of Latin American countries to strengthen ties and coordination with China to tackle global challenges.

This year marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the China-CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States) Forum. Wang said cooperation between China and LAC countries has scored fruitful results and the visits would pave the way for higher level exchanges in the future.

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It also helped step up multilateral strategic coordination and safeguard shared interests of countries of the Global South, Wang added.

Speaking of Mondino’s visit, he said it was conducive to stabilizing ties between Beijing and Buenos Aires. In particular, it would make the Argentine government more rational and pragmatic in formulating China policies.

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