Bunge Towers launch to increase room for accountability, MPs cautioned » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya Apr 25 – Members of Parliament have been cautioned that the launch of the Bunge Towers which painstakingly cost the taxpayers Sh9.6 Billion is bound to attract more scrutiny and accountability on their mandate.

Top government officials who graced the Bunge Towers launch led by President William Ruto insisted that lawmakers have no excuse in delivering on their mandate to the electorate given improved infrastructural amenities.

“This building is not a monument to extravagance or grandeur. In the service of vanity, it is not intended to symbolize entitlement or impunity in the sense of the ability of legislators to appropriate and expend public resources without accountability,” said the President.

President Ruto echoed that legislators have been accorded all resources to dispense justice through robust laws emphasizing that the quality of debate in the house should refrain from propelling mediocrity.

“I have no doubt that the quality of debate having open the library and each member of parliament having some research people to work with that the quality of debate the quality of representation of legislation is going to greatly improve,” Ruto noted.

The Head of State urged MPs to sacrifice in exercising their accountability mandate emphasizing that he expects robust engagement between Executive and Legislature in questioning Cabinet Secretaries on the floor of the house.

“You have a moral and constitutional obligation to reciprocate the sacrifices that people of Kenya have made by intensifying efforts both individually and collectively as parliament to render a strong contribution to the deepening of Kenya’s democracy,” President Ruto stated.

Deputy President Rigathi Gachagua warned MPs against enjoying the comfort at Bunge towers setting aside their responsibility to the electorate in service delivery.

“Please do justice by putting hard work and service the people who put in Parliament. Seeing that facility so many people would want to sit there it will attract competition. Don’t let that comfort dissuade you from going to Mashinani,” Gachagua said.

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Prime Cabinet Secretary Musalia Mudavadi asserted that the Bunge Towers launch will now set the stage for stiff competition in 2027 general elections and politicians’ eye to occupy the state-art facility.

“This building has elevated the status of Parliament and with elevated expectations it comes with elevated responsibility, elevated scrutiny and elevated accountability. Politics out in the field are looking at this, be very cautious,” Mudavadi said.

On his part, National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula allayed fears that monies has been embezzled ever since the construction of the facility began in 2014 castigating those spewing vitriol on the project.

“I want to allay the skeptics who have been pouring vitriol on the structure, the rejectionists and many others who have been saying many things, this building is here, we will use it and it will serve the purpose for which it was meant,” he said.

Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi gave the construction and commission of the project a clean bill of health dismissing the suspicion that the project has been shrouded in corruption.

“During my tenure as chair of the PAC at no time did we find any impropriety in the construction of the building. I want to allay any fear that this project has been shrouded in corruption. We should pat ourselves in the back because of this project,”Wandayi stated.

Meanwhile, President Ruto challenged the Parliamentary Service Commission (PSC) to significantly reduce their budget in the next financial year following the launch of Bunge towers which is potentially expected to cut cost.

This is following revelation by members of the house leadership in both houses the PSC will save close to Sh 400 Million annually in expenses as the state art facility has absolved external procurement of services.

President Ruto who graced the official launch of the facility which began construction in 2014 expressed that the reduction of budget should reflect

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“Now that we have all the facilities here the meeting rooms with the meeting. I hope I will see a significant drop because a speaker in the budget of Parliament,” he said.

The President whose government is geared at reducing government expenditure through austerity measures which he insisted should reflect in the next appropriation bill for the financial year 2024/2025.

“The taste of the pudding is in the eating. The next budget just remember that parliament does not need money to go to hotels, and therefore the budget should reduce,” President Ruto stated.

Earlier, Senate Speaker Amason Kingi has mentioned that the commissioning of the 26 storey building will save the taxpayers money in hiring of amenities to discharge the oversight mandate of the bicameral house.

“Bunge towers is a game changer for Parliament and the working community….The completion of Bunge towers undoubtedly instill in us a sense of pride and ownership symbolizing a collective investment in the future of the country,” stated Kingi.

Majority Leader Kimani Ichungwah asserted that the Legislature has supported the efforts of President William Ruto administration efforts to institute cost cutting measures given the harsh economic times.

Ichungwah revealed that during the budget making process the Budget and Appropriation Committee uses Sh 1.5 Million on a daily basis for hiring hotels services with the process estimated to take two weeks.

“This just tells you the amount of saving that we have been making not only in this institution but also in your government as we require many Cabinet Secretaries and Principal Secretaries who spend fuel and time to come for the meeting,” he said.

This coming days after Parliament increased their budget by Sh 2 Billion after MPs changed the spending limit that was instituted by Treasury.

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In the Budget Policy Statement for the financial year 2024/2025, the National Treasury set a ceiling of Sh 41.62 Billion.

The Budget and Appropriation Committee chaired Kiharu MP Ndindi Nyoro increased the ceiling to Sh 43.62 Billion to cater for the annual wage bill which has increased due to the housing tax.

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