Beautiful pictures that defined Kathy and Allan Kiuna’s marriage
Kathy and Allan Kiuna’s marriage is often celebrated by their church members who look up to them for how to make marriage work.
The JCC founders have lovely pictures of their marriage throughout the years.
In October 2023 she wrote she was honored to do life with Allan as her best friend.
“One of the greatest blessings that can come into our lives is to find a marriage partner who is a true, committed, and reliable friend. The reality of being human is that at the end of the day, we have nothing of our own that we can give to one another, we can only give what we have received. We can only love to the extent that the love of God is present in our hearts. We can be good, but never perfect.”
Similarly, Allan lavished her with praise saying.
“Till the wheels fall off honey, and even after they fall off, I will still ride with you @revkathykiuna. Love you, Happy Valentine’s Day, my forever bride .”
They have been together for more than 30 years.
Their pictures tell of happy moments, dancing together, worshipping, meeting people, and living life as two partners dedicated to t their marriage.