Azimio MPs push for Nakhumicha’s resignation after MoH talks with KMPDU stall » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya, Mar 13 – Azimio La Umoja Coalition lawmakers have demanded the immediate resignation of the Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha following her failure to address the imminent doctors’ strike.

Led by National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi, they pointed out that the Health Cabinet Secretary has portrayed her incompetence by failing to compel Treasury to release funds to address the doctor’s welfare.

The Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists, and Dentists Union (KMPDU) had issued a 7-day strike notice after negotiations with the government over promotions and posting of interns collapsed.

“Its incompetence of the worst type for the CS to keep lamenting that the National Treasury has not given her money. If she has failed to make the National Treasury to release fund, she should quit,” Wandayi said.

The Minority Leader rallied Kenyans to support the doctors strike expressing that the mismatch of policies and roles in the Kenya Kwanza Administration will eventually lead to an ailing health sector.

“The Ministry completely failed to learn the lessons of the past doctors strike and refused to constructively engage with KMPDU until the last minute,” Wandayi noted.

The Opposition Coalition warned that the country is staring at a health crisis which could lead to deaths with no serious interventions being undertaken to address the concerns of KMPDU.

“CS Susan Nakhumicha has failed the medical fraternity and the whole country. She must be prepared to take responsibility for any deaths that may result from this strike,” the Ugunja lawmaker said.

Seme MP James Nyikal questioned why the government had delayed for eight months to post intern doctors yet the policy requires them to be posted 30 days after graduation.

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The lawmaker termed that as a clear mismatch of policies by the Kenya Kwanza Administration which will lead to a crisis in the health sector.

“Internship is critical and a requirement for them to be registered. If you fail on this, we will not have doctors because they will not be employed in and outside the country,” he stated.

Nominated MP Irene Mayaka who was nominated to represent laborer’s in the National Assembly emphasized that proper compensation of workers must be prioritized to ensure efficient healthcare system.

“This is a crisis and the President should take responsibility and deal with it appropriately if the CS has failed. The National Treasury should tell us, don’t they have money despite the taxes they have collected?” Mayaka questioned.

Nyatike MP Tom Odege stated the oozing lack of leadership in the Ministry of Health that will expose Kenyans to lack of access to health care should necessitate the push for CS Nakhumicha to resign.

“We believe in dialogue and consultation but if we have a minister who is not able to engage then there is a serious problem in that Ministry. The Cabinet Secretary and the Principal Secretary are talking from different scripts,” he noted.

The Ministry of Health stated that the deployment of the current batch of medics will require Sh 4.9 Billion with each intern earning 206,000 shillings per month, which it says it cannot afford.

Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha had dismissed KMPDU’s demands as being unrealistic, saying the ministry’s hands are tied regarding the posting of medical interns.

“We cannot do anything as a Ministry, it’s up to the Treasury to facilitate. The government cannot cater for over 3,000 interns at this time, they have to be realistic,” Nakhumicha said.  

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