Auditor General Gathungu faults Nyong’o for employing excess staff » Capital News
KISUMU, Kenya, Apr 12 – Auditor General Nancy Gathungu has faulted Kisumu County Governor Anyang’ Nyong’o and his Deputy Mathews Owili for having excess employees totaling to 47 attached to their respective offices.
Gathungu says records obtained from the human resource management at the county showed that the excess employees were appointed by the Governor.
In the audit report for the 2022/2023 financial year, Gathungu says, “the move is in contravention of the Transition Authority and Salaries and Remuneration Commission requirements on limits of staff to be appointed by the Governor”.
In the financial report, Gathungu has cited, the un-procedural employment of 8 liaison officers who were deployed to the 8 sub counties of Muhoroni, Kisumu West, Kisumu East, Kisumu Central, Nyando, Nyakach, Kadibo and Muhoroni to act as focal point persons for the county.
“Such designations are not in the SRC job description guidance for the county governments,” she said in the report.
She also criticized the appointment of 10 members to the Town management committees in the newly gazetted towns of Katito, Kombewa, Maseno, Muhoroni and Ahero by the County Public Service Board.
Gathungu says the county has not provided any information on the designations, terms of engagement or even salaries of the 10 members putting a query on legitimacy of their recruitment.
The report further flagged down the retention of staff beyond mandatory retirement age.
“Review of the payroll provided for the audit revealed that 34 employees who had attained the retirement age of 60 years were still appearing in the June, 2023 payroll,” said the report.
The AOG says this was contrary to Section D.21 of the Human Resource Policies and Procedures manual, 2016 on mandatory retirement age which states that all officers shall retire from service on attaining the mandatory age of 60 years and 65 years for persons with disabilities.