‘As a man, there are blessings God cannot give you without a wife!’

Gospel artist Mr. Seed has opened up about how his decision to marry his wife, Nimo Gachuiri, came with abundant blessings, some of which he feels he wouldn’t have received if he had remained single.

In a phone conversation with a radio station in the country, Mr. Seed said that his first real encounter with blessings was when he was promoted to fatherhood after they had their first child.

“One beautiful thing that happened to me since I was born is becoming a parent. I can say it came with many blessings. That’s when I saw real blessings, those blessings you can see and feel,” the artist said.

“You realize that there were closed doors in your life, but once you take the step to get married, suddenly everything starts opening up and working in your favor. And the arrival of a child has been an amazing journey; you know, I wasn’t raised by my father, so I’m also trying to learn,” he added.

The artist surprised the show hosts after revealing that the first time he bought a Christmas tree for his home was because of his child, expressing his joy.

He recalled how growing up in the humble neighborhood of Mathare, he had the misconception that beautiful Christmas trees were only found in the homes of the wealthy.

“The arrival of my child was so wonderful that he was the one who made me put up my first Christmas tree in my house. It brought me so much joy that I was telling everyone, ‘Wow, there’s a Christmas tree in my house.’ You know, growing up in Mathare, you grow up thinking that Christmas trees are only for rich people’s homes,” Mr. Seed said.

Speaking about the blessings that come with marriage, Mr. Seed said that God works in mysterious ways to the extent that there are certain blessings a man cannot receive without a wife.

However, he advised against rushing into marriage before making your own well-thought-out decisions.

“In a man’s life, there are blessings that God cannot give you without a wife. You may be a bachelor and have everything you want, but there are places where God cannot open doors without a wife because the Bible says when you come together, you become one flesh. You work as a team,” Mr. Seed stressed.

“But young people, don’t rush into marriage; stress will kill you out here. Take your time because marriage is not for those who are quick to lose heart.”