Archbishop Muheria urges MPs shine spotlight on integrity of Cabinet nominees » Capital News
NYERI, Kenya, Jul 26 — Nyeri Catholic Archbishop Anthony Muheria has told Members of Parliament not to let Kenyans down by approving Cabinet Secretaries with questionable integrity.
Speaking during Endarasha Secondary School’s Education Day, Archbishop Muheria said the reason why the country is witnessing political tabulence is due to the fact that political leadership lacks integrity.
“As a county is the high time we reexamine integrity and give leaders beyond reproach this is what the county needs at this time not political wheeler dealing,” he said.
“One of the issues Gen Z has raised is integrity mps must interrogate integrity of these people so that as a county we get the right people,” Archbishop Muheria noted.
Archbishop Muheria’s comments came just two days after President Ruto named an adduitional ten Cabinet nominees for vetting.
The National Assembly Appotments Committee is expected to vet twenty-one nominees submitted for consideration as part of what President Ruto termed a “broad-based government”.
Muheria said integrity and leadership skills must for the basis of appointments hence the need for MPs to rise to the occasion.
“We must ran away from situation where we repackage political deals or alliances and reexamine leadership and integrity. This must be the core function of MPs,” HE stated.