Any relationship advertised on social media is questionable

Kenyan socialite Huddah Monroe has had a major eye-opening moment about couples who flaunt their relationship online.

“Every relationship  I’ve ever admired on social media turned out to be PURE EVIL!”  she told on Instagram stories.

Alhuda who now lives in London, penned her thoughts, saying she thinks the popular term used to describe couples ‘relationship goals’ is a scam.

“Relationship goal is a scam. Any relationship highly advertised on social media is highly questionable. they use SM to cover their unhappiness,” she added.

She highlighted a relationship that has been her goal, but a turn of events made her rethink 

“Some lady I used to follow dating a very nice man. I wanted her kind of relationship soo bad.” 

The beauty entrepreneur said everything appeared wonderful

“She unalived herself the other day. I am still shocked and I don’t even know her.”

The Rich Beauty CEO cautioned netizens against using online relationships as their inspiration and standard for love.

“That’s how bad it is out here. Ask God to make your life better. Not like so and so,” she sadly commented.


“Coz you don’t know what kind of demon they are fighting.”