Anti-Tax Bill Violence: Catholic Bishops call for peaceful, meaningful engagement


The Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops is now pleading for a peaceful and meaningful engagement in the face of violence that greeted the passage of contentious Finance Bill 2024.

The bishops say such an engagement between the leaders and the citizens is necessary given the situation in the country and most importantly for the good of the nation.

“The current situation we are witnessing calls us to address the nation and especially our dear young people and speak to our leadership,” the Bishops said in a press conference

According to the Bishops, events that characterized Tuesdays countrywide protests show that this is a moment of reflection and listening. The clergy argue that the situation might spiral out of hand if Kenyans don’t engage over matters currently deemed pertinent.

“We are saddened that what started as lawful protests has degenerated into violent conflicts. This was not the initial aim of the Gen Z protests. We honestly appeal not to shoot the protesters, and we also appeal to the young people to remain peaceful,” they said in a joint statement read by KCCB President Archbishop Maurice Muhatia Makumba

“We condole with all those who have been shorty dead and others who have been injured and plead for calm. No one should lose life,” they added

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Eric Biegon