AI technology enhances safety at construction sites in Nantong

During a recent event at a construction site in Nantong, Jiangsu province, a crane operator surnamed Xiang received a call from the power supply company shortly after beginning work. The company reminded him to maintain a safe distance from the power transmission lines.

Xiang was surprised when he remarked, “I just moved my vehicle slightly, and you already knew?”

It was discovered that Xiang had inadvertently moved the crane into the power lines’ protected area.

The detection was credited to an intelligent three-dimensional panoramic measurement device installed by State Grid Nantong Power Supply Company.

The device utilizes three high-definition 3D cameras mounted on transmission towers near large construction sites to monitor construction operations in real time. Using AI image recognition technology, it conducts continuous three-dimensional modeling in the background and automatically indicates the distance between the operating equipment and the power transmission lines.

If the distance falls below the set safety threshold, monitoring personnel are alerted to promptly inform the relevant construction workers.

Wen Mingqian, a transmission operation and inspection worker at State Grid Nantong Power Supply Company, emphasized the importance of preventing machinery from accidentally touching power lines. Such incidents lead to power line disruptions and pose significant risks to worker safety, making it a top priority in the company’s safety efforts.

“With over 10,000 kilometers of 35kV and higher power lines in the Nantong area, relying solely on manual management is nearly impossible,” noted Wen.

“We have integrated AI technology to enhance routine inspections, defect rectifications, hazard alerts and more. Our accuracy in identifying large-scale operations exceeds 95 percent, effectively providing each construction site with an intelligent safety officer who monitors the area non-stop,” Wen said.

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The device has been installed on 97 500kV towers and higher power lines in Nantong, covering critical high-risk areas of construction operations and gradually expanding its coverage to lower voltage levels like 110kV lines.

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