AG nominee vows to reform criminal justice system if appointed

Attorney General nominee Dorcas Oduor has vowed to reform the criminal justice system in a bid to resolve the inequity between the rich and the poor in courts.
Appearing before the National Assembly Committee on Appointments, Oduor said one of her key priorities will be reforming the limitations around the rights of arrested persons to end delays in courts.
Oduor took pride in her performance as the Deputy Director of Public Prosecution including enhancing the human resource capacity from 94 to 1600 as well as decentralizing the office of DPP to all 47 counties.
The MPs urged the nominee to consider proposing a legislation that will guide how parliament should conduct public participation to avert embarrassing nullification of the law by courts like the recently witnessed finance act of 2023.
The MPs also vetted the CS nominee for East Africa community and Asal areas Asukul Moe a former County Executive Committee member for Water in Turkana County on policies she would introduce to help communities living in arid and semi arid areas.
Further the committee sought to know how the how the nominee will protect local farmers from cheap imports from neighboring countries.
The committee is expected to submit its report to the house on Tuesday.