Abducted? Who is Gabriel Oguda and Osama Otero?

Here are quick Facts about Gabriel Oguda

Gabriel Oguda is a journalist, Communist, and entrepreneur

Gabriel Oguda is a Policy Analyst in the office of the Leader of Minority at the National Assembly

Oguda is also a political activist

He enjoys a following of 852K followers on X App (Former Twitter)

He is well known for his fierce writing and self-expression

Began his career as Africa Regional Coordinator in the International Union for Health Promotion and Education

He also worked as Senior Program Officer for the African Institute for Health and Development

He worked as the Head of Health Promotion and Non Communicable diseases

He currently works a communist at Nation Media Group

He was born in 1983

He parents named him Bildad after Bildada Kaggia Mwaganu the Catholic refused to honour the name because it was not a saint in the Catholic Faith

He was named Gabriel upon Baptism

He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Anthropology from University of Nairobi

He furthered his studies at the University of Bergen, Norway where he attained a Master of Philosophy in Public Health Education and Promotion