Eric Omondi makes major announcement about unemployed graduates

Activist and former comedian Eric Omondi has announced plans to hold a meeting with university graduates who are unemployed.

Through his Instagram page, Omondi shared a video wearing a graduation gown and announced that there will be a large meeting for unemployed graduates in Nairobi on Tuesday.

Omondi revealed that a few days ago, after announcing a call for all unemployed graduates to contact him, he was surprised by the number of responses he received. As a result, he has decided to convene a meeting with these graduates.

“A few days ago, we called on all unemployed graduates to reach out to us, and we received many responses. Now we have a solution, and that solution is in our hands.

I call upon everyone in Nairobi, who is an unemployed graduate, we have a solution for you. Let’s meet tomorrow, Tuesday from 3:00 am at Bluesprings restaurant, Thika road,” Eric Omondi said, giving further directions about the location of the restaurant.

“If you need a job, if you are an entrepreneur, if you have an idea, come to the meeting tomorrow. Let’s not delay, please, let’s meet for the solution; there are opportunities,” he added.

Omondi has been at the forefront of leading the #SisiKwaSisi movement to assist Kenyans in various needs.

Since launching the movement, Omondi has stepped forward to lend a helping hand in various cases, many involving providing medical assistance to needy families.

His readiness to lead Kenyans in providing assistance has sparked various rumors, with some feeling that he is paving the way for a plunge into politics in the upcoming elections.

However, Omondi has never been clear about which political position he will vie for but has stated that he will venture into the political arena, claiming that it is the only way to serve people and their needs effectively.