What happens when the mace is stolen from parliament

The nationwide protests fighting the finance bill led protesters to occupy the parliament and in an unprecedented case, the parliament was forcefully accessed leading to vandalism.

Some cases of vandalism included theft of the mace.

In this report, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of the mace in the parliament during proceedings.

The mace is a potent symbol in the Kenyan parliament, symbolizing its legitimacy and authority. The following is a detailed explanation of its importance:

The mace is a symbol of authority and dignity that symbolizes the power and reverence that the Kenyan Parliament is accorded. It denotes the gravity and significance of the legislative proceedings.

Presence of the mace:

Credibility and Legality:

The mace is considered indispensable for the conduct of lawful parliamentary business. Proceedings may be deemed illegitimate in the absence of it.

Part of Parliamentary Tradition:

The mace has been a longstanding tradition in Kenya since the country’s independence. It establishes a connection between the present parliament and its historical and cultural roots.

Entrusted to the Serjeant at Arms:

The Serjeant at Arms is responsible for the preservation and proper use of the mace during parliamentary sessions.

The mace serves as a tangible reminder of the parliament’s authority within Kenya’s governmental framework.

The mace is essentially a means for the Kenyan parliament to visually represent its authority and legitimacy, both within its own chambers and to the public.