Stand-off looms as National Assembly, Senate clash over revenue allocation to counties » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya, May 13 – A standoff is imminent between the National Assembly and the Senate over the Division of Revenue Allocation Bill over the shareable equitable share to the devolved units.

This is after Senate amended the proposed equitable share to counties to Sh415 billion while the National Assembly set a ceiling of Sh391 billion, creating a Sh24 billion deficit gap.

The Bill provides for the sharing of revenue raised nationally between the national government and county governments for the financial year 2024/25.

With lawmakers from the two houses reading from different scripts, the standing orders provide for the matter to be subjected to a mediation team with representatives from both houses to iron out the stalemate.

Majority Leader Kimani Ichung’wah vehemently opposed the senate amendments scoffing at county bosses for demanding more allocation of funds yet development still remains a mirage in most counties.

“Kenyans can tell that NGCDF monies, is the only development they can feel on the ground. County woman representatives are doing a far better job using NGAAF than most governors. If I had an ability I would change the constitution to have more women governors by affirmative action,” he said.

National Assembly Minority Leader Opiyo Wandayi expressed the time was opportune for increased revenue allocation to counties by relooking the Sh2.9 trillion and find out avenues to allocate more monies to the counties.

“What the Senate amendments are saying is very simple and layman language. Is that in our own calculations, the counties need much more than what you have allocated them,” he stated.

“Increase this money from Sh396B to Sh415B. The Senate is not telling us that remove money from NG-CDF, remove money from road maintenance levy. The Senate is simply saying that the counties require much more than you have given,” Wandayi remarked.

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Minority Whip Junet Mohammed castigated MPs who were against the senate amendments which seeks to raise the revenue to counties saying as opposition MPs they will not be used to kill devolution.

“Some of these counties that you are seeing in this country have seen a billion shillings for the first time in their lives after devolution. We shall not be used as a house to kill devolution. We must stand up because that is the only way we are going to save devolution,” stated Junet.

He opposed the sentiments that the increase of equitable shareable revenue to counties will eat into monies for the National Government Constituency Development Fund (NG-CDF) saying huge share of the national revenue are still retained at the National Government.

“There are devolved functions that are being held here in Nairobi, like Health functions, Agriculture functions. Why are you keeping those money in Nairobi? Why don’t send those moneys to the counties. That’s why we have people now eating fertilizer money in this country,” Junet said.

Majority Whip Sylvanus Osoro insisted that county bosses have failed the country in regards to development since the inception of devolution in the country saying accountability need to be upheld.

“We all live in this country. NG-CDF has been in existence for over 20 years. Devolution came into place in 2013 but you can hardly show what devolution or county governments have done compared to what NG-CDF does,” he said.

Budget and Appropriation Committee Chair Ndindi Nyoro asserted while devolved units need additional funds to follow function devolved to the counties, the government was facing a cash crisis.

“We want our counties to develop. We also have governors who are doing a good job. This is the only departure point, that the amount of money we are considering is limited. But even as such, I agree with all the members that we need to give counties enough money,” Nyoro stated.

National Assembly Speaker Moses Wetangula has selected Ndindi Nyoro(Kiharu),Mary Emase (Teso North),David Ochieng(Ugenya) and Naisula Lesuuda(Samburu West) to be part of the mediation committee.

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Others include Makali Mulu (Kitui Central),Samuel Atandi(Alego Usonga),Samuel Moroto(Kapenguria),Ali Wario (Bura) and Nyakundi Mokaya (Kitutu Chache North).
Senate Speaker Amason Kingi is expected to forward the names of Senators who will form part of the mediation committee to end the debacle over the equitable share.

The total sharable revenue is estimated at Sh2.948 trillion, comprising an allocation of Sh2.549 trillion to the National Government, Sh391.1 billion to the County Government Equitable Share; and Sh7.85 billion to the Equalisation Fund.

The COG had presented their demand of Sh450 billion as their minimum revenue share estimates down from Sh470 billion proposed earlier.

The Commission on Revenue Allocation (CRA) had proposed counties to be given Sh407 billion down from Sh416 billion during its presentations to the National Treasury.

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