Call for internal auditors to lead anti-corruption efforts » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya May 9 – Kenya’s fight against corruption in the public sector received a renewed push at the 21st Internal Auditors Annual Seminar, which strongly emphasized the crucial role internal auditors play in safeguarding resources and promoting good governance.

The event, held under the theme “New Horizons: Securing the Future,” saw Majority Leader in the National Assembly Kimani Ichung’wah, address the recent controversy surrounding fake fertilizer infiltrating the market.

He highlighted the importance of robust internal audit functions within organizations like the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) and the Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS).

“From where I sit, whether the fake fertilizer came from the National Cereals and Produce Board or KEBS, there are internal auditors at NCPB or KEBS who certified that all the processes had been followed. There are internal auditors at NCPB who check what is going on and are privy to much more information than external auditors or any other investigative body that would come in,” Ichung’wah said.

The Majority Leader went on to emphasize the unique vantage point internal auditors hold within their respective organizations.

“They have a responsibility to be meticulous,” he stated. “Their access to sensitive information allows them to identify irregularities and ensure established processes are adhered to.”

The seminar underscored the critical role internal auditors play in championing good governance practices.

Ichungwah pointed out a concerning trend: “The rampant misappropriation of resources thrives in environments with weak internal controls. This is not just a public sector issue; the private sector grapples with similar challenges. We, as internal auditors, have a moral obligation and a national duty to be the frontline defenders of good governance.”

His statement resonated with attendees, highlighting internal auditors’ dual responsibility – upholding professional ethics and safeguarding the public interest.

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The seminar further emphasized the need for continuous improvement within the field of internal audit.

By staying updated on evolving best practices, internal auditors can equip themselves to effectively identify and address potential loopholes that could be exploited for corrupt activities.

The annual seminar brings together internal auditors from across the country, fostering a collaborative environment for knowledge sharing and professional development.

This year’s event served as a potent reminder of the vital role internal auditors play in securing a future free from corruption and mismanagement of public resources.

It also highlighted the need for increased support and resources for internal audit departments within government and private institutions, empowering them to fulfill their critical role as guardians of good governance.

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