King Charles III sends solidarity message to President Ruto after floods tragedy » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya, May 7 – King Charles III has sent President William Ruto a solidarity message amid devastating floods.

In his message, the monarch rooted for global efforts to tackle and adapt to climate change.

He stressed the need, for the country to adopt strategies to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change as it was agreed upon by the two nations last year during the king’s visit.

Furthermore, the King underscored the need for global nations to adapt to the rapidly changing climate to improve the quality of life and survival.

“The increased unpredictability and violence of weather systems remind us of how utterly vital it is that the world acts together and with all dispatch to mitigate and adapt to climate change,” he stated.

As we discussed during our visit to Kenya last year, the challenge of climate change and biodiversity loss falls to all of us to address: at stake is our very quality of life and survival as a world,” he stated.

Acknowledging the devastating floods which have left a trail of destruction and loss of life in the country, the King together with his family have expressed the spirit of togetherness for those affected by the floods and also the emergency workers who are working tirelessly to rescue and see the safety of those affected.

“We can only begin to imagine the anguish of those who have lost loved ones and seen their livelihoods devastated. Our thoughts are also with those emergency workers and others who are working long hours to support those who have been so dreadfully affected,” he stated.

According to the late government statistics, the death toll in the countrywide flood tragedy has risen to 228 and has led to the displacement of 212,630 people across the country.

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