State gives update on relocation and evacuation of flood victims

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki

The Government has said that it has set up at least 138 camps in 18 Counties to help shelter victims of the ongoing heavy rainfall which has resulted in flooding.

Interior Cabinet Secretary Kithure Kindiki, in a statement said the camps are hosting 62,061 persons from 14,771 households.

Channel 1

The CS who gave a status update on the relocation and evacuation of flood victims said the flood victims are being supported with food and non-food essentials until the floods subside.

The CS said the list of the actual location of the temporary shelter camps in each county has been published and displayed in all National Government and Administration Offices across the country.

He said the government has identified people living around 178 dams and water reservoirs in 33 counties and have been issued with relocation and evacuation orders.

Kindiki said was is in line with President William Ruto’s directive to county security committees to determine on a case-by-case basis the radius of areas requiring vacation or mandatory evacuation orders.
