Striking medics have until 9.30am Monday to report to work: Govt » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya, May 4 — The government has given unions representing medical professionals until 9.30am on Monday to sign a return-to-work formula agreement as ordered by court and whip their members to resume work.

Head of Public Service Felix Koskei issued the ultimatum on Friday after the KMPDU-led unions declined to sign the agreement. He said the medics instead introduced new issues contrary to the court order.

Koskei said the unions proceeded to indicate that they would only sign the agreement on Monday once their fresh demands are incorporated .

“Unfortunately, the union came up with other issues and that is contrary to the direction of the court. The Ministry of Health and Council of Governors proceeded to sign the return-to-work formula and directed the lawyers to file the same in court on Monday 6th,2024 at 9.30 am as directed by the Hon. Judge,” he said.

Health Cabinet Secretary Susan Nakhumicha said the government remains committed towards resolving the strike to achieve a sustainable solution to the ongoing negotiation and conciliation process.

“I urge the Kenya Medical Practitioners, Pharmacists and Dentists Union (KMPDU) to do the honorable thing and call off the strike which has on several occasions been declared illegal by the Industrial and Labour Relations court,” she said.

Tharaka Nithi governor Muthomi Njuki said if doctors do not respond as required, counties will be forced to sack the striking doctors as they will not allow people to continue suffering.

“The event that we will still not have doctors in the hospitals, we cannot continue to allow our people to die we will have no choice but to replace them,” he said as the doctors’ strike entered the 53rd day.

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