NTSA revokes licenses of 64 PSV SACCOs » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya, May 2 – The National Transport and Safety Authority(NTSA) has revoked the licenses for 64 Public Service Vehicle (PSV) SACCOs following noncompliance with regulations.

Some of these Saccos include Kensilver, Mbukinya, Moline, Wamasaa, Kiambu United, and Moro Express among others.

NTSA has thus advised the public not to board or book vehicles of these Saccos to avoid inconveniences.

NTSA has further directed the police to impound vehicles under these Saccos that will be found operating following the revocation of their licenses.

“Members of the Public are hereby advised not to board vehicles belonging to these Saccos/Companies to avoid inconveniences,” it stated.

“The National Police Service (NPS) has been advised to impound vehicles belonging to the Saccos/Companies found operating following the revocation of their licenses,” it added.

This comes a month after the authority revoked the licenses of  Bungoma Line Safari Ltd and Smart Highways Sacco Ltd, following their failure to comply with provisions of “section 5 of the NTSA (operation of PSV) regulations 2014.” and analysis of speed data violations.

The two Saccos have been required to present their vehicles to establish the functionality of the installed speed limiters if they want their licenses restored.

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