Myths about Okra Water that you need to know

Okra, known in some English-speaking countries as lady’s fingers, is a flowering plant in the mallow family native to East Africa.

 It has edible green seed pods and it is used in the cuisines of many countries among them Tanzania and Kenya

Here is what you need to know about Okra water:

Okra water is made by cutting the plant into small pieces and soaking it overnight in fresh water.

The result is a slimy mixture, that proponents say delivers numerous health benefits including hydration.

Okra is enriched with vitamins B, and C, folic acid, soluble and insoluble fibre, in flavonoids or antioxidants.

Those who drink it recommend a glass on an empty stomach in the morning to get the full benefits of the above compounds.

It is also enjoyed best refrigerated. It can be stored in the fridge for several days before you must make a new batch.