Elsa Majimbo fiercely shades people trying to cause a rift between her and her parents

Finishing up, Elsa implied that her dad of all people could not have an issue with how she carried herself as he bags amazing financial benefits from his rich daughter.

“Maybe worry about your home? Your child is yet to graduate on their 8th yr in a 2yr course. My dad gets watches and vacays lol,” the last of her post read.

Responding to an X user identified as Alan Nyawara who advised Elsa to be weary of such bitter people noting she should block them everywhere and avoid them completely. In their own words “those are people from your village, avoid and block them very fast,”

A clearly triggered Majimbo went on to thrown some shade quipping, How will you talk about me when your child is a failure in every aspect of the word? You have bigger problems lmao,”

Social media users have been divided following Elsa’s post with some wondering why people find it hard to mind their business while others sided with the snitches as they attacked Elsa for her mode of dressing noting the people going to her parents were just looking out for her.

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