Reason Casa Vera Lounge has been closed

KRG the Don, an artist who was said to be the co-owners of Casa Vera Lounge nightclub in the upscale neighborhood of Kilimani, has opened up about the reasons behind the closure of the club a few months ago.

Two months ago, the musician announced the closure of the entertainment venue and now he explains what caused his business to come to a halt.

Speaking on Obinna’s YouTube channel, KRG said that the entertainment business in Nairobi is challenging, mentioning that there are not many drinkers in the city, but rather the same people who move from one entertainment spot to another.

He said that they had to close temporarily to allow for renovations and improvements, stating that they needed to upgrade to meet the standards of competing entertainment venues in the provision of entertainment services compared to Casa Vera.

“We closed temporarily for renovations, you know, many clubs have opened in that area [Kilimani]. The club business is like a beautiful girl, there are new ones every day, so if you love her, you have to take her to the salon every time.

So, we have gone back to the basics a bit because the entertainment business is also very challenging because drinkers in Nairobi are not many, it’s just the same people moving from one club to another,” KRG said.

However, the artist denied that the opening of the new Quiver Lounge club branch in Kilimani was what ended Casa Vera’s business.

KRG said that due to the arrival of many entertainment venues, they had to go back to the basics a bit to look for new strategies they would use to retain their customers once they reopen.

“It’s not that they made us close, it’s just that the competition was high in our area, people were very accustomed to it, so we had to make some improvements,” he explained.