HIV activist Asunta Wagura welcomes twins at almost 60

HIV activist Asunta Wagura has welcomed a pair of twins at nearly  60. Confirming the exciting news, Wagura described the twins as a miracle

“Double Blessings at Nearly 60: A Tale of Unexpected Joy and Twin Delights!”Ladies and gentlemen, hold onto your hats and ready your hearts for a story that might just lift you off your feet! This year, my life’s narrative took a comedic turn worthy of an Oscar—yes, at the sprightly young age of nearly 60, I’ve become a mother to twin girls!

It’s a plot twist I never saw coming, and one I can hardly believe myself!”Some have been guessing, others doubting, but now it’s clear: miracles don’t always knock; sometimes, they burst through the door with a glorious, uproarious entrance,” I declare with a heart so full it could light up the night sky.”

Wagura went on to say she doesn’t mind the late nights she will be having.

“To say I’m over the moon would be an understatement; I’m out of the solar system!In his infinite humor and grace, the Almighty decided to sprinkle a little more wonder into my life.

The birth of my twin girls has not only doubled my joy but has also led me into profound pondering about life’s infinite possibilities.

Just when I thought my script was set, life handed me a re-write filled with laughter, diapers, and two beautiful princesses,” I reflect joyously.Now, I know what some of you might be thinking: “Twins? At your age?

Indeed, as I approach the grand age of 60, many might say this stage of life is better suited for quiet weekends and early bird specials, not midnight feedings and lullabies. But oh, how delightfully wrong they are!”

She described having the twins as fulfillment and a revolution.

“To those skeptics, I turn to the wisdom of the ancient Stoics, who remind us that, ‘Fortune favors the bold,’ and indeed, boldness has never felt so rewarding. Marcus Aurelius himself could not have foreseen such joyous fortune when he mused,

‘The universe is change; our life is what our thoughts make it. I never knew exactly what I was looking for until it arrived, swaddled in pink and crying out with vigorous, life-affirming wails. It has been a fulfillment, a revelation, a revolution of the soul!

And in those quiet moments, cradling my daughters, I wonder at the majesty of life and the boundless capabilities of the Divine. Who says you can’t set sail on new adventures just as you’re nearing that ‘sixth floor’ of life?” I chuckle, rocking my girls to sleep.”

In conclusion, Wagura advised anyone with a dream to continue holding onto it.

“To everyone out there holding onto a dream, feeling it might be too late or too impossible, remember my tale. The God of Asunta, in His wisdom and mirth, does not abide by our earthly textbooks.

May He meet you too at the point of your need, and may your dreams find their joyous twilight! So come one, come all—of good faith and cheer—to celebrate these little miracles with me.

Welcome into the world my two princesses, who have so graciously turned this seasoned script into a thrilling new chapter!In closing, let us all raise a toast (of warm milk, perhaps?): to unexpected blessings, to life’s infinite laughter, and to the joyous pandemonium of parenthood, no matter the season. Cheers, and God bless!”