KMPDU Nairobi Branch issues strike notice

Doctors working in Public Health facilities in Nairobi County are now threatening to down their tools this Thursday.

According to the Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentists Union (KMPDU), Nairobi Branch Chairman Deogracious Maelo, the strike is in response to the failure of the county government to meet a raft of demands, among them salaries.

Maelo lamented that the factors have significantly incapacitated doctors in the county to effectively deliver quality medical care to patients.

While issuing the strike notice Wednesday, KMPDU claimed all Nairobi County doctors will boycott work due to illegal salary stoppages and dismissals, chronic salary delays, stalled promotions, unpaid gratuities, and delayed confirmation letters.

KMPDU is accusing the government of fuelling the doctors’ decision to strike over what it termed as deliberate incapacitation of their services by failing to address their concerns.

Should the Nairobi doctors make true their threat, the health sector could plunge into a crisis following the decision by the Rural and private hospital decision to suspend services offered under the Social Health Authority SHA.