Public sector trade unions blame SRC for health workers stirke » Capital News
KISUMU, Kenya, Apr 11 – The public sector trade unions in the country have blamed the Salaries and Remuneration Commission (SRC) for the ongoing strikes in the health sector.
Principal Administrative Officer at Kenya County Government Workers Union Kevin Owango stated that there has been an incessant trend by SRC to disrupt and interfere with the rights of the workers.
Owango indicated that the public sector unions are keenly watching the trend and will be forced to get in at an appropriate time to ensure rights of workers are addressed.
“We are against the decisions of the SRC, it is the main problem,” he said.
Owango noted that SRC is hell bent on killing the trade unions movements in the country by setting salaries without any negotiations.
“If SRC sets and says this is what you get, take it or leave it, what is the work of negotiations, what is the work of trade unions,” he said.
Addressing a press conference in Kisumu on Thursday, Owango asked the SRC to follow the labour laws and stop violating the laws of the land.
He wondered why SRC freezes salary increments in every sector and goes ahead to advice for the reduction of salaries already existing.
“As a public sector union, we are against these unlawful behaviors of SRC,” he said.
Owango further questioned where counties that are stopping salaries of striking doctors, would get replacements.
He stated that the country is already staring at a shortage of doctors and instead of a round table negotiation to find an amicable solution, they only offer a take it or leave it solution.
He spoke as the Kenya Union of Clinical Officers National Deputy General Secretary Austin Oduor says their strike now on its 11th day will persist until their grievances are met.
Oduor said that their strike is legally protected, noting that attempts by some 8 Governors to stop their strike through courts failed.
“We commend the Governor of Siaya James Orengo for supporting our ongoing strike and urge other Governors to do the same as we prioritize dialogue with the Council of Governors (CoG) for CBA realization,” he said.
The clinicians are demanding the recruitment of over 20,000 unemployed and qualified officers, provisions of comprehensive cover to their members, Ministry of Health to pay clinical interns, county withheld salaries to settle payments and Kirinyaga County to reinstate dismissed clinical officers amongst others.
Oduor further says also in demand is the enhanced risk allowance of Sh. 15,000 since clinicians are the front line health workers.