Tracy Wanjiru talks on growing up in a violent home, battling suicidal thoughts

Content creator Tracy Waithera now says growing up in a toxic environment negatively affected her life.

Tracy says her grandmother was a brew seller while her father was physically abusive.

” When my mum left my dad, she left me in the footsteps of my grandmother’s doorstep.

Violence was normal in my family,

My dad left when I was 10. My mum came from a very poor background.

So the first instance when we were thrown out, we had nowhere to go.

Her family told us to go back to that marriage., but my mum refused to.”

Tracy alleged that her grandmother (now deceased) was also abusive to her (Tracy’s) dad

“My dad was being beaten in our presence, we were kids then.

I now understand why he had a lot of anger, he thought you had to beat someone to get your message delivered.

My grandma used to sell  alcohol.”

Tracy further added

“Growing up I wondered why my life was full of chaos.

I was looking forward to the day my life was peaceful. I grew up in violence from both sides.”