List of 8 counties that will go without power today, Tuesday
Some areas in eight counties will on Tuesday experience scheduled power interruptions, Kenya Power has announced.
Kenya Power named the affected counties as Nairobi, Kisumu, Murangá, Kirinyaga, Trans Nzoia, Mombasa, Kwale and Tana River.
In Nairobi, supply will be interrupted in the Gigiri area from 9 am to 5 pm. Affected areas include the Village Market, Warwick Center, UN Avenue, UN Crescent, Gigiri Road, and adjacent customers.
In Kisumu, the Manyatta area will experience an interruption, also from 9 am to 5 pm.
Areas that will not have power are Manyatta Market, Manyatta Baraka, Manyatta Koyango, Kona Mbaya, Kona Maji, Kona Legio and adjacent customers.
In Murangá, Muruka and Nguthuru areas will affected. Supply will be interrupted from 9 am to 5 pm in Muruka Market, Nairobi High School, Bendo Farm, Kaburugi Market, Nguthuru Secondary, Nguthuru Village, Nguthuru Catholic Church and adjacent customers.
Baricho and Thumaita West in Kirinyaga will be without power from 8 am to 5 pm.
Affected areas are Baricho Market, Baricho Boys, Kiambwe Booster, Kiandai Market, Riamugaa Market, Thumaita West, Njeru Githae, Blue Valley, Kiandagai Secondary Multiple Academy, Kanjai Market, Kathaka, Gathuthini Primary and Secondary and adjacent customers.
In Trans Nzoia County, Cherengany Nursing Home will experience interruptions from 9 am top 5 pm. Affected areas will Kephis, Cherangany Nursing Home, Annex Prison, Mutambo, Wamuthoni, Gatua, Village Inn, Siyenga, Sirende, Kibulwet, Siritiet, Machungwa, Maili Saba, Toro, Mainek, Lolkeringet, Amagoro, Simatwet Welcome, Woolshop, Meru Farm Mogoywet and adjacent customers.
Jomvu in Mombasa will not have power from 9 am to 5 pm. Affected areas are Endi Textiles, Shreej, KTDA, Transtrailers, Hakika, Jomvu Dispensary, Fehmi Nailworks, Kwa Bendube, Mikanjuni, Alidina, Jomvu Kuu, Jitoni, Icolo Data, Exel, Mji wa Ng’ombe, Jomvu Police, Zaire Bar, Mrifu Stores, Black Devil, Jomvu Girls, Narcol Aluminum, Ngamani and adjacent customers.
In Kwale, Galu will experience power interruptions from 9 am to 2 pm.
Affected areas include Boxo, Lantana Galu, Villa Kalista, Sonarisa, Queens Chatteau, Pinewood, Coromandelle, Borabora Wildlife Park and adjacent customers.
In Tana River, the Galu area will have supply interruptions from 9 am to 5 pm.
Garsen Hospital, Garsen Town, Shelly, Konkona, Egati, Chira, Bilisa, Maziwa, Tulu, Bora Imani and adjacent customers will be affected.