Friends School Kamusinga releases statement after student falls into septic tank and dies
Below are reactions from Kenyans after receiving the news
Dianah Betty Kanini: Alikuwa anafanya nini uko jameni?Mungu Linda watoto wetu.
Emily Adhiambo: Devil is a liar. Sad in deed
Gathoni Njoroge: Oh no…. so sad. May God comfort the family
.Jacinta Mwilu:What kind of negligence? Should we have septic tanks tightly secured in schools?
Catherine Ndungu Kiwalabye: Did he accidentally fall in, did he jump in or was he pushed in??Bullying comes to mind
Rachel Njenga: Too many questions that need answers may God protect our children.
Monicah Njeri Ngigi: Oh no ,so sad God comfort the family and the entire school.
Mahua Wa Mundúa: What is happening, This is too much now.
Beatrice Mumo: Very sad indeed…may Almighty God comfort the family.
Ashraffunissa Mutuku: So sad My heartfelt condolences to the family and the school.
Pamela Okola: Oh Mai God Lord protect all our children in school. This is so sad. Disheartening news. My condolences to the family. So heartbreaking.
Brigit Waithera: Lord please take care of our children, this sad.
Mirriam Patience Ke: Am a worried disturbed form 2 parent. . And worse getting to learn this here. God have mercy on our children.
Christine Kamau: May God protect our kids so sorry n my condolences to the family.
Fenella Njambi: So sad, may God comfort the family, my condolences. Dear God protect our children,amen.
Nash Ciiku: Was it open? Whatever it is they are convening for couldn’t they have done it before. Must there be a death to do the necessary?