Health benefits of eating roasted maize corn
Mahindi choma, locally known. In rural areas they grow it as majorly food crop. They also sell it to generate income. Roasted maize is one of the popular snacks in Kenya. It’s a go-to snack that is found in almost every corner of the street. To enjoy more of it you can have it garnished with achari (mixture of salt, lemon juice and pepper)
Roasted maize is not only tasty but essential for health. The mouth watering street food has a lot of benefits in the human body since it is high in fiber. This increases the rate of digestion and makes the body avoid constipation.
,The products contained in the maize corn such as folic acid is a very crucial element for the development of the foetus, which is very significant in pregnant mothers health. the acid also helps the body to beat a cough.
Chewing of maize is a major key role in the health as it is concerned. Bacteria present in the teeth will be rubbed off automatically while one chews maize and this will prevent the teeth from periodontal problems. Nevertheless, chewing maize also helps in exercising the muscles in the jaw and mouth.
Due to the presence of carbohydrates in roasted maize, it acts as a source of energy hence eliminating fatigue. Mahindi choma, contains an anti-oxidant which makes the skin soft and increases the immunity power. funnily enough It also eliminates the symptoms of aging, this also supports eye health.
What you should know and take good measures of is that eating roasted maize corn reduces cholesterol levels hence controlling the blood flow, pressure and keeps the heart also contains moderate amount of protein for muscle repair and growth.
In the country’s street, A roasted corn cob goes for between 20-30 shillings although you can get one for as little as five shillings.