5 ways to rebuild trust after an affair
Is it possible to trust your partner after they have had an affair?
According to motivational speaker and pastor Sam West it is possible, but it needs a lot of work to cultivate back trust.
Here are things to do especially if you are the one who cheated
Be more transparent
Your partner might want to ask uncomfortable questions about your affair. Uncomfortable as it might be it is advisable to be truth
Show remorse
This can be achieved by coming clean and asking for forgiveness. By taking responsibility for your actions you increase your chances of being forgiven by your partner.
End communication with the person you cheated with
This can be done by blocking the person, and not going to places you used to frequent together before.
Firing them, shifting departments if you work together.
Put boundaries in place to avoid falling back into temptation.
Seek help
You can do this by contacting a counselor, a pastor, or someone you trust.
Improve your relationship with God
There is a difference between being a Christian and practicing it.
For you to mend your relationship, how about having a good relationship with God first?
After all he is the author of all beautiful things and he forgives even the darkest of sins.
If you try everything above and it still does not work, it is OK to move on.