How Nigerians have impacted nightlife in Kenyan clubs

Nigeria is known in Africa for its vibrant and pulsating heartbeat nightlife. Lagos specifically is said to be hosting lit and hottest parties.

Nigerians seem to be moving with their nightlife traits wherever they go.

Kwambox ,former Big brother housemate on a podcast explained how Nigerians have influenced nightlife in Kenya.

She gave an example of Nigerian’s washing hands with high end alcohol.

“Do you think if  there were no Nigerians in Kenya ,you would even know how to wash your hands with champagne.” she rhetorically asked

Kenyan Prince and Victor Mboya have been seen severally washing their hands with Azul, one of the most expensive tequilas.

Kwambox revealed Nigerians are the reason as to why endowed ladies go to club. She described Kenyan men as men who ask ladies to accompany them home to have a good time ,after buying them a small bottle of liqour.

“Si nimekubuyia chupa ,si twende kwa nyumba.” she mimicked Kenyan men

Using a show on  Youtube where ladies go for matchmaking with men holing balloons, men pop their balloons if not interested.

Kwambox gave an example of a certain lady who was rejected but showed interest on one because the guy looked Nigerian.

“I saw this challenge for bursting balloons if rejected in a match making show, one lady was rejected and in the process of asking the guys why they popped their balloon, she found  her type because the looked and was Nigerian.’ she said