Sakaja reshuffles City Hall Cabinet, replaces County Secretary » Capital News

NAIROBI, Kenya, Aug 6 — Nairobi Governor Johnson Sakaja has announced a Cabinet reshuffle reassigning five County Executive Committee Members (CECMs).

In a statement on Monday evening, Sakaja also replaced Acting County Secretary Patrick Analonaming Godfrey Akumali in a similar capacity.

Analo retained his substantive role as Chief Officer of Urban Planning and Development.

In the changes, Sakaja moved Built Environment and Urban Planning CECM Stephen Gathuita Mwangi to Boroughs, Administration and Personnel docket, replacing Patrick Mbogo.

Mbogo transitioned from Borough Administration and Personnel to Built Environment and Urban Planning.

Sakaja also moved Brian Mulama from Mobility and Works to Talents, Skills Development, and Care, and reassigned Ibrahim Auna Nyangoya from Green Nairobi to Business and Hustler Opportunities.

The Governor moved Rosemary Kriuki from Talent, Skills Development, and Care to Inclusivity, Public Participation, and Customer Care.

The changes also affected eleven Chief Officers.

Geoffrey Mosiria, who was in the Health Facilities sector was moved to Environment, while Tiras Njoroge was reassigned from Smart Nairobi to Revenue Administration and also made the acting CCO for ICT Infrastructure.

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Boniface Nyamu was moved from Mobility to Business and Hustler Opportunities, while Zipporah Mwangi was reassigned from Business and Hustler Opportunities to Public Participation, Citizen Engagement and Customer Service.

List of Reassigned Chief Officers

  1. Geoffrey Mosiria: Transferred from Health Facilities to the Environmental Department.
  2. Tiras Njoroge: Moved from Smart Nairobi to Revenue Administration and Acting ICT Infrastructure.
  3. Boniface Nyamu: Shifted from Mobility to Business and Hustler Opportunities.
  4. Godfrey Akumali: Reassigned from Cooperatives to Social Services.
  5. Zipporah Mwangi: Moved from Business and Hustler Opportunities to Public Participation, Citizen Engagement, and Customer Service.
  6. Dr. Machel Waikenda: Transferred from Economic Planning to Mobility.
  7. George Mutiso: Shifted from Social Services to Cooperatives.
  8. Hibrahim Otieno: Moved from the Environment Department to Health Facilities.
  9. John Lintari: Transitioned from ICT Infrastructure to Economic Planning.
  10. Lydia Mathia: Reassigned from Public Participation, Citizen Engagement to Housing and Urban Renewal.
  11. Wilson Gakuya: Moved from Revenue Administration to Smart Nairobi.

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