3 confirmed dead, one missing after car was swept by floods in Machakos

Three people have been confirmed dead while one is still missing after the car they were travelling in was swept away by raging flood waters in Machakos County.

Machakos County police commander Patrick Lobolia said the incident happened while the occupants of the said car attempted to cross the flooded River Manyanzaani in Kalama.

The matter was reported to Kalama Police Station as a drowning incident report at 8 pm.

“It was reported by a member of the public and resident of Kwa Kavoo village that yesterday at around 6.45 pm, one businessman at Kwa Kavoo shopping centre was driving home after a heavy downpour,” Lobolia said.

Lobolia said the said businessman, now deceased was carrying his wife  and two other passengers.

The police chief said on reaching River Manyanzaani which was flooded, the deceased attempted to cross the bridge.

However, his vehicle was swept away by the waters. It was retrieved about 20 metres from the drift/bridge.

Lobolia said the three bodies were retrieved in the wreckage while one passenger was still missing.

He said his officers visited and processed the scene where the bodies were recovered. Police removed the bodies to Machakos Funeral Home awaiting an autopsy.

A joint search by police and the public is ongoing to find the missing victim.

Lobelia said the Kenya Red Cross had been informed about the incident so as to join in the search.

He said the incident was being investigated by the Directorate of Criminal Investigations detectives in Kalama.

The incident happened hours after scores were reported dead in the neighboring Makueni County on Friday.

The lot drowned while trying to cross the flooded Muswii River aboard a lorry ferrying sand.

KRC in a statement said 11 of them had been rescued with reports indicating that six had died.

Traffic along the Kasikeu – Sultan Hamud road was paralysed after the river which originates in neighboring Kajiado County burst its banks.

In Mwala, area Subcounty police commander Nancy Jerobon said they have so far had only one incident of drowning since the flood disaster struck.

Jerobon said the incident happened on April 21, 2024.

“It was reported by an administrator that he had received a report that a body was spotted beside Mithini River trapped by a thicket in Ngunguma village in Kwa Mutula sublocation, Kathama location,” Jeboron said.

“My officers visited the scene and together with members of the public retrieved the body of one Abraham Mtunga Mutie, 64, who according to one of his brothers, was scene last the previous day at around 9 pm leaving Katitu market while it was raining,” Jerobon told the Star on Saturday.

The body was moved to Nguluni Hospital mortuary in Matungulu Subcounty pending an autopsy.

In Athi River Subcounty, some residents were on Friday forced to vacate their houses from Daystar area following a flooding scare.

Athi River East Subcounty police commander Anderson Mbae said the residents were advised to move to safety after police received alarm reports that there were indications the area could be flooded.

“The same report was made to Athi River police station on Thursday night and we advised them to vacate the affected area,” Mbae said.

“There was a lot of runoff water from Lukenya ridge which overflew the adjacent land. It’s confirmed there was no casualty,” Mbae added.

Mbae, noted that there were no new reported cases of drowning-related deaths in the entire Athi River Subcounty.

“There is no flooding reported, River Athi is calm. We are currently dealing with after-care of the affected flood victims, emergency food distribution,” Mbae said.

Over 2, 000 people have been affected by the floods in Athi River Subcounty.

All the victims were rescued from their marooned and flooded homes to safety.

Some have sought residences in alternative safe areas while others are being accommodated at Athi River Primary School and Kinanie Health centre.

The government has designated the two as the official rescue centres in the county.